Financial Solutions for your Family and Business
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Wealth Management

Mission: serve as a trusted advisor and fiduciary through sound, prudent investment management.

Wealth Management

ZHP Capital is an investment advisor, specializing in Asset Allocation for individuals, small businesses and organizations.

Our approach is decidedly top-down and long-term focused.  ZHP capital begins with a core portfolio of strategic holdings in value stocks, high quality bonds and cash.  Working with each client, we evaluate their expected investment time horizon and risk tolerance (willingness and ability to bear risk).  As time horizon and risk tolerance increase, and based on the client's individual situation, we add Index equity funds, growth stocks, and some small or mid-cap stock funds.  Additionally, we may include funds that invest in international developed market stocks, emerging market economies and high-yield bonds.

investment philosophy

Ask most people why cars have brakes and they will say, “So you can slow down.”  But the real reason is so you can go faster and still be in control.   In financial terms, this means that if you avoid risk, you will avoid reward.  The “brakes” in your financial plan are a comprehensive Investment Policy and Asset Allocation, based on long-term views of risk and return.

One of the wisest things I ever learned was that an investor should base investment decisions on investment principles, not on predictions.  You should be concerned with diversification of your portfolio, an over all asset allocation and a long-run horizon, not someone’s prediction of what “the market” is going to do over the next week, month or even year.

fiduciary relationship

As a Registered Investment Advisor, I am legally bound to act as a fiduciary for my clients.  That means to place your interests ahead of my own. In addition, as a CFA charterholder, I am bound by a strict Code of Ethics.

What does this mean for you?  First, the investment choices we make will be the right choices for your financial circumstances, not for my financial well-being.  Second, I do not charge any hidden fees, or earn any hidden compensation from financial product providers.  You will see every dollar you spend and I earn.

Forming and managing an investment portfolio over a long period of years is difficult. Most firms ask a team of internal experts, helped by out­side consultants, to perform this task for the assets they manage. But individual participants typically undertake this task on their own, or with the help of a coworker or relative who may have intuition but lack training for the job. The end result is similar to what might be expected if most of us tried to cut our own hair—a mess. Most people need some help;...
— Thaler, R. H., & Sunstein, C. R. (2008). Nudge; Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Pg. 131